First Lady Chanel Styles
Chanel Styles is the beautiful wife of Marco A. Styles, Pastor of the Horizon Christian Church Ministries. First Lady Styles has also served along with her husband as a member of the Christian House of Prayer Ministries in Killeen, Texas under the leadership of Apostle Nate and Pastor Valerie Holcomb for over 18 years. She has faithfully served in several leadership capacities and church auxiliaries such as a “Deaconess”, As a “Counselor” along with her husband, A “Greeter” in the Porters’ Ministry, and In “Church Beautification”.
First Lady Chanel is also a caring and devoted mother and grandmother and has also served her community as an entrepreneur and business woman for over 13 years. She is also very creative in decorating and design. Lady Chanel is a down to earth woman of God who is touched by the acquaintances she makes in the ministry. She is motivated when growth takes place in a person’s life through God’s Word and believes in keeping it “honest and real”. She is also a woman of love, compassion and is very considerate of others.
As the First Lady and Wife of a Pastor she has a heart for God’s people and has faithfully supported & served with her husband in the ministry extensively. As a leader in the ministry God has given her insight for oversight and she faithfully serves as the Chief of Operations and Administration in the ministry. She is one who enjoys being a Woman of God.